EM3: Additional Resources

Treatment Strategies

This section is now found in the Treatment Strategies Compendium EM Level 3 curriculum book


Pathogens, Gu and Chong

This section is also now found in the Treatment Strategies Compendium EM Level 3 curriculum book


Tissue-Angle Resources

The more perspectives you can apply to a tissue, the more likely you will find the best possible way to treat the problem. You can find different perspectives on tissues using Arrays, Tissue Depths, Full Body Organs, and energy “organs” that can be found in every Line of Force and every Energy Box in the body.


Project E.T.H.A.N. EM Totally Hyper-Cross-Indexed All Treatments Node 1.2.1

This is the current Index for all things EM. It is a huge and growing project. Watch Facebook for announcements from Gregor as to updates and additions. You will need the latest Adobe Reader to utilize this document (or read it from your browser). Use the Reader’s Search Function (CTRL-F) to find instances of the keyword that you’re seeking. Any questions about use should be posted directly to Facebook for a reply.

Version 1.2.1 was added 3.29.2016. You will need this and subsequent updates to stay current with the Index. Simply delete older versions to maintain good housekeeping on your device. Enjoy!