Whenever someone has a Western medical intervention, you should follow this protocol:
Attack All Pathogen Types that got into the body from Western medical interventions using any pathogen treatment
Specifically attack All Species Of Fungus that got into the body from Western medical interventions with any pathogen treatment. Clear its toxins.
Treat all species of MRSA and MRCONS in the body. Clear their toxins.
Treat EM Wounds in and around the surgical site
Vaporize EM Anesthesia
Treat EM Inflammation and Swelling in and around the surgical areas
As necessary, use the EM Pain Treatment or any other pain relieving treatment
Treat EM Scars with the EM Scar Treatment and attack any Anaerobic All Pathogen Type Arrays in the EM Scars and throughout the body
Treat with the New Ghost Treatment after any stay in the hospital
Metal Left In The Body Such As Pins, Rods, and Screws
Metal in the body will cause chronic recurring energy imbalances. These energy imbalances commonly cause pain in the body all on their own, unrelated to the initial injury
Use the Five Element Excess Treatment and the Climatic Factor Four Levels Deep Treatment for any imbalances created by the metal in the body
Surgical Swelling & Inflammation
If visible swelling and inflammation persists beyond a few days to a week then it is important to keep treating the area for any All Pathogen Types and any species of Fungus to make sure no pathogens are delaying healing