EM3: Rheumatology


  • Lupus
    • Lupus is reflective of a tremendous amount of inflammation in the body. There can be significant swelling. This swelling can lead to hair loss, joint pains, lung swelling, lower body swelling, and dry mouth and eyes
    • Damp pathogens may play a large role in lupus, so attacking all species of fungus in the body is very helpful approach.
    • Treat with the Edema Protocol and the Swelling Protocol
    • Treat All Pathogen Types infecting the Lymph Array, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid with any pathogen treatment, as the swelling is a key sign that much of the symptoms of lupus demonstrate in the lymphatic system
    • Treat All Pathogen Types in any specific body segment and tissues where the symptoms predominate and clear the associated pathogen toxins with the EM Pathogen Toxin Treatment
    • Treat Water Qi Deficiency and Deficient Excess Water Qi with the same named treatments in throughout the body where this would be beneficial, but also specifically in the Kidney organs, Urinary Tract, Bladder Organ, Triple Warmer Organ, and Pericardium Organ. Likewise treat Fire Qi Deficiency and Deficient Excess Fire Qi with the same named treatment where this would be beneficial throughout the body and in the Small Intestines Organ, the Heart Organ, the Cardiac Heart, the Pericardium Organ, the Triple Warmer Organ and in the Heart Array, Small Intestines Array, Triple Warmer Array, and Pericardium Array
    • Treat sugar toxins with the EM Pathogen Toxin Treatment. Treat Water Qi excess where it should not be located in the Lymph Array, synovial fluid, and cerebrospinal fluid with the Water Qi Excess Treatment. Treat Wood Qi excess in the Lymph Array, synovial fluid, and the cerebrospinal fluid with the Wood Qi Excess Treatment
    • Treat dampness with the Clear Dampness Treatment or the Climatic Factor Four Levels Deep Treatment. Also specifically treat these in the Lymph Array and cerebrospinal fluid and synovial fluids
    • Clear histio for Stress Hormone Array and Cortisol Array, as stress is often a factor in these patients
    • Treat Metal Invasion Arrays (where Metal Qi is overcontrolling Wood Qi and reversing back on Fire Qi) with the Metal Invasion Array Treatment
    • Cool down blood vessels overheating with the Cool Down Blood Vessel Array Treatment
    • Treat EM Inflammation with the EM Inflammation Treatment
    • Treat any fissures in the thymus gland with the EM Fissure Treatment
    • Treat any All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the thymus gland
    • Treat with the Swelling Protocol and the Edema Protocol in the thymus gland
    • Use the Lyse treatment on any “immature T cells that have escaped the thymus gland when they should not have and are acting in a pathological manner”. These produce many antibodies wherever they land, causing auto-immune symptoms. Treat with the Antibody Array Treatment. Clear histio for histamine as this will be generated by the antibody arrays. Treat any swelling caused by the histamine with the EM Swelling Treatment
  • Chiari Malformation
    • This is a surprisingly common condition (although it is considered relatively rare) where part of the brain swells up has edema or prolapses and touches the posterior skull wall, blocking cerebrospinal fluid flow. This can cause chronic headaches and can relate to feeling nauseated, sick, ill or uneasy when turning the head. Some forms of chiari malformation a child is born with, but at least one variety can develop later in life. The most common cause of chiari malformation is edema building up in the brain expanding the brain matter so that it swells up in the skull cavity
    • Treat with the Edema Protocol and Swelling Protocol in the Brain Array
    • Treat all species of Propionibacterium Acne in the Brain Array
    • Clear histio of progesterone and estrogen in the Brain Array and treat with the EM Swelling Treatment where estrogen and progesterone has caused this in the Brain Array
    • Clear histio of Hot Hormone Array in the Brain Array. Cool down blood vessels with the Cool Down Blood Vessel Array Treatment in the Brain Array
    • Treat EM Tighten Tissues in the Brain Array and especially where this might be caused by swelling and edema in the Brain Array
  • Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis
    • The most common causes of arthritis in EM comes in two categories: 1. fungus and 2. MRSA. Fungus can cause any kind of arthritis anywhere in the body simply by infecting the bone. MRSA, on the other hand, tends to cause such dramatic destruction of cartilage that it often leads to “bone-on-bone” forms of arthritis. It is not necessary to differentiate between RA and OA forms of arthritis from an EM perspective, since they have similar etiologies
    • Attack all species of fungus in the body with any pathogen treatment, especially treating the “Bone Array, Cartilage Array, joints, synovial fluid, and Full Body Liver Organ”. Apply the Edema Protocol
    • Attack all species of MRSA in the body and clear cartilage chip histio
    • Use the Comprehensive Build Bone Treatment to support reinforcing the bone. Use the Reinforce The Will Treatment which also strengthens the bone
    • EM Level 4 Practitioners should use 3-D printing of bone and cartilage tissues
    • Treat bone spurs with the EM Bone Spur Treatment. If you find any, also treat all species of Stachybotrys and clear histio of serotonin
    • Treat all species of Botulinum and all species of Histolytica Amoeba and clear their toxins. it is common for botulinum toxin to build up at the last finger digits into bulding areas associated with arthritis
    • Treat All Pathogen Types using any kind of pathogen treatment in the Bone Array, Cartilage Array, and the Bone Marrow. Some organisms such as Alternaria, algae, and Typhus Pathogen Array prefer growing inside the bone marrow. If they build up swelling in the bone marrow, this translates into bulging of the bones themselves. Treat these organisms with any pathogen treatments and clear their toxins. Especially apply the Alternaria Mycotoxin Array Treatment, as Alternaria makes awful swelling and edema that worsens after it is treated (temporarily), so clearing the toxins as best as you can is highly recommended