EM3: Psychiatry/Psychology


  • Depression
    • Please see the EM Level 3 book Treating Spirit & Emotions With EM
  • Agitation
    • Agitation is a common sign of Testosterone Array histio. Clear Histio Testosterone Array first. But also attack All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays producing Testosterone Array as a pathogen toxin
    • Infections of the brain stem increase anxiety and agitation so also attack All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the brain stem very specifically
    • The amygdala is often called the “reptilian brain” because of its very basic emotional functions. Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the amygdala. Apply the Edema Protocol and the Swelling Protocol as necessary. And attack any All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the amygdala as well.
    • Agitation may be a sign of hyperthyroidism. As such, it can be a side effect of treating hypothyroidism with EM if the Patient is taking hypothyroid medication. As the Patient heals, the same amount of medication may go from being the right amount to suddenly being too much. You cannot tell your Patient to change his or her medication dosage as that is practicing medicine without a license. But you can clear histio of Thyroid Hormone Array. Excess Thyroid Hormone Array will often build up as a pathogen toxin of many different fever causing viral pathogens. So, attack any All Pathogen Types producing Thyroid Hormone Array as a pathogen toxin and use the Infected Cell Reduction Treatment to treat any of the Patient’s cells containing the RNA or DNA of any of these pathogens.
  • Anxiety
    • Anxiety has many causes as it the byproduct of Water Qi excess building up especially in the Blood Vessel Array or Capillary Array
    • Treat Anxiety Arrays and with the Clear Fear Treatment
    • Attack any All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the brain stem
    • Treat Histamine Histio which will increase anxiety. Histamine will build up in the following situations: wherever there is mercury, where microbiome is being reactive to some type of molecule, where zonulin (often from Staphylococcus) is allowing molecules in between cells where this should not be the case, where immature T cells that are acting in a pathological manner are producing Antibody Arrays. Each of these situations requires its own Treatment Strategy. Vaporize mercury. Attack reactive species of the microbiome that are producing histamine (making sure to tell Universal Qi to treat these species “even though they are part of the microbiome”). Treat fissures in the thymus gland allowing immature T cells to escape it and also clear swelling and/or edema in the thymus gland pushing out these T cells prematurely (Edema Protocol and Swelling Protocol).
    • Treat all species of Borna Virus and all species of Toxoplasma and clear their toxins. These organisms produce toxins that cause anxiety
    • Clear histio of Stress Hormone Array and Cortisol Array
    • Ground Me Treatment, Peace Treatment, Calm Treatment all can provide some relief
    • See Agitation above for Thyroid Hormone Array excess issues
    • Treat Anxiety Array and Clear Fear in “Ancestral Qi” for inherited fears
    • Treat with the Heal From Trauma Qi Infusions with Drop-It
    • Treat all species of Chikungunya which produces Stomach Fire and Water Qi excess resulting in fear and anxiety
    • Treat any form of histio hyperstimulating the Vagus Nerve
    • Treat all imbalances in the Autonomic Nervous System with the Dynamics Treatment
    • Treat any All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the Temporal Lobes of the Brain Array
    • Clear Estradiale Array histio which can melt bone from the Bone Array and Cartilage Array. Also clear dampness from the Bone Array and Cartilage Array. Clear Earth Qi excess where it should not be located in the Bone Array and Cartilage Array. Apply the Comprehensive Build Bone Treatment. EM Level 4 Practitioners can use 3-D Print method to build bone and cartilage tissue. Bone is primarily Water Qi, so any melting of the bone will allow Water Qi to migrate where it should not be located generating fear
  • Phobia
    • Phobia is a form of extreme fear fixated on specific events or stimuli. It is my observation that only people with Fire Qi in their Constitution suffer from phobias. Fire Qi has the ability to move Water Qi and to generate tremendous energy (all Five Elements) with Water Qi, but it cannot remove Water Qi. As a consequence, people with Fire Qi in their Constitutions often push Water Qi from a location where it should be located to a new location. The image I have in my mind when this happens is a plow moving snow, resulting in large mounds of snow — in this metaphor the snow is the Water Qi excess. To clear phobia, clear Water Qi Excess especially but not exclusively in the context of Water Qi excess building up because of the Patient’s Constitution
    • Clear Estradiale Array histio which can melt bone from the Bone Array and Cartilage Array. Also clear dampness from the Bone Array and Cartilage Array. Clear Earth Qi excess where it should not be located in the Bone Array and Cartilage Array. Apply the Comprehensive Build Bone Treatment. EM Level 4 Practitioners can use 3-D Print method to build bone and cartilage tissue. Bone is primarily Water Qi, so any melting of the bone will allow Water Qi to migrate where it should not be located generating fear
    • Apply the New Phobia Treatment
    • Use the Parts Of Self Treatment to treat the phobia
    • Apply all elements of the Anxiety section above that are relevant, as lowering a Patient’s overall anxiety levels will also strongly lower reactivity to the phobic stimuli (in conjunction with the items already listed in this Phobia section)
  • Bipolar
    • Bipolar people suffer from extreme fluctuations of high (manic) energy and extreme emotional lows. This is often a Constitutional factor with Fire Qi and Water Qi both being in the Constitution. Use the Five Element Excess Treatment for all excesses caused by Constitution, including in the Brain Array
    • Clear histio for all All Hormone Array including in the Brain Array
    • Clear Dryness and also Wood Qi Excess to reduce Elements that interact with Fire Qi to generate extreme heat
    • Treat with the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment very aggressively
    • Treat All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the Brain Array
    • If any All Tumor Types are in the Brain Array follow the EM Level 3 Cancer Patient Handbook, as growths in certain areas of the brain may cause excessive behaviors
    • Clear histio for cocaine and amphetamines
    • Clear histio for “drinking alcohol”
    • Treat with the Reset The Kundalini Treatment and the Reset The Chakras Treatment
    • Treat depression as above when active
    • During manic phases use the Ground Me Treatment
  • Schizophrenia
    • I have never had a Patient with Schizophrenia except as a byproduct of drug use. In that person’s case, I found fissures in the Brain Array that allowed the drugs to get to areas of the brain that otherwise the drugs could not penetrate due to the Blood Brain Barrier. Look for fissures in the Brain Array and treat these
    • Treat any imbalances in the Visualization Area of the Brain found near the ears in the temporal lobes. This area of the brain is involved with day dreaming. Treat any histio hyperstimulating the Brain Array and also specifically the Visualization Area of the Brain. Attack any All Pathogen Types and any Human Parasite Arrays generating these forms of histio
    • Treat agitation and anxiety as mentioned above should these emotional states be a facet of the condition
    • For catotonic versions of schizophrenia, treat any forms of histio “hypo-stimulating” any areas of the Brain Array and attack any organisms producing these forms of histio. Also clear histio for GABA and attack any organisms increasing GABA in the Brain Array
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
    • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often a byproduct of over-stimulation of the back of the cerebellum in an area I call the Obsessive Compulsive Area of the Brain. It is very common for species of Streptococcus to create fissures through the Sinus Chamber, through the meninges, and into the Brain Array. Treat any fissures in these locations and attack any All Pathogen Types and Human Parasites and especially Strep and hybrid Strep in these fissures using “thorough search” to clear it elsewhere as well, simultaneously. Also, clear histio for Hydrochloric Acid and for Formaldehyde in these fissures and anywhere else in the body, as these are the main molecules that generate fissures in the body
    • The fissures break down the Blood Brain Barrier allowing organisms that otherwise cannot get to the brain to infect the brain. Attack all species of Rhinovirus, Rotavirus, and Norovirus associated pathogens in the Brain Array and especially in the OCD Area of the Brain. These are common infectors in the body and they commonly are found in the case of OCD having infiltrated this area of the brain. One of the pathogen toxins produced by Norovirus, hydrogen sulfide, will hyperstimulate the OCD area of the Brain.
    • Clear histio for any histio hyper-stimulating the OCD area of the Brain
    • Treat EM Wounds in the OCD area of the Brain
    • Clear histio for glutamic acid and glutamate in the OCD Area of the Brain. Use the Excitotoxin Array Treatment in the OCD Area of the Brain
    • Apply the Edema Protocol and the Swelling Protocol as necessary in the OCD area of the Brain
  • Insomnia
    • Insomnia has many potential causes and we probably do not know them all at this time. However, one thing is clear, the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus in the Cerebrum is hugely important in helping with people fall asleep and stay asleep. In Chinese medicine, Liver Blood Deficiency will cause difficulty falling asleep and Yin deficiency will cause waking up in the middle of the night. Also, the bone is the coldest tissue of the body and it is my observation that the circulating Ying energy touches the bone at dusk and penetrates it during the evening and night — when it reaches the bone marrow, we dream. If the bone is not cold enough, then people do not feel sleepy or they suddenly wake up wide awake if the Ying hits a patch of heat where cold would otherwise reside
    • The Deep Sleep Qi Infusions Treatment using Drop It is a great tool for sleep when used right at the time of going to bed
    • The Binaural Rhythm Treatment can also be used at the time of going to bed to help fall asleep
    • Apply the Circulation Treatment to the Liver Array and the Gallbladder Array throughout the body and also especially in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus to help Patients suffering from difficulty in falling asleep
    • Treat with the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment throughout the body and especially in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus in people who wake up during the night
    • People who wake up having to urinate during the night should be treated to stop the need to pee at night as follows: Treat All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the Urinary Tract and Reproductive Zone. Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Urinary Tract and Reproductive Zone. Apply the Water Qi Deficiency Treatment and the Deficient Excess Water Qi Treatment to the Kidney Organs and the Urinary Tract and Reproductive Zone to reduce the frequency of urinating. Apply the Edema Protocol and Swelling Protocols to the Urinary Tract, Reproductive Zone and the areas local to these that can apply mechanical forces against them
    • It is thought that blood sugar irregularities may also cause sudden waking during the night. See the section on diabetes and hypoglycemia to help better regulate blood sugar
    • People with Fire Qi in their Constitution with two or three Elements and not more in their Constitution tend towards sleep issues as their normal daily rhythms are different than people with more balance in their Constitution. In this case, clearing Wood Qi Excess, Fire Qi Excess, and Earth Qi Excess may be beneficial
    • Clear histio for Stress Hormone Array and Cortisol Array throughout the body but especially in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus
    • Clear histio for Reproductive Hormone Array and especially Estridiale Array throughout the body but especially in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus
    • Treat fissures in the adrenal glands. Large fissures in the adrenal glands will cause sudden onset unremitting insomnia due to cortisol being released at all hours of the day instead of in a rush between 4 to 6am. This form of insomnia will persist until the fissures are very small or gone
    • Treat phobia as above and treat anxiety as above as necessary
  • Panic Attacks
    • Panic attacks specifically originate when Water Qi excess builds up in the Capillary Array of the Chest Box. Clear Water Qi Excess from the Chest Box and then treat according to the Anxiety section above
  • Paranoia
    • I have only had one case of true paranoia that was the byproduct of a Patient doing drugs not knowing that a fissure in the Brain Array would allow the drugs to accumulate around the Temporal Lobe of the Brain Array. See Schizophrenia above