Glaucoma is the buildup of pressure in the eyeball. We know that a common cause of pressure buildup is edema and swelling, so it therefore makes sense to apply the Edema Protocol and the Swelling Protocol
The number one cause of glaucoma that I have seen in my practice so far is species of Tinea associated pathogens infecting the Capillary Array of the eyeball. Attack these pathogens with any pathogen treatment, applying specifically in the Eye Array and also in the Capillary Array of the Eye Array. Clear histio of its toxins: nitric oxide, nitrous oxide, and Hot Hormone Arrays
Attack any species of fungus in the Eye Array and its Blood Vessel Array
Attack all species of Proprionibacterium Acne in the Eye Array and in the Blood Vessel Array in the Eye Array and clear its toxins: Progesterone histio, Hot Hormone Array histio, and Cortisol Array histio. Treat EM Tighten Tissues specifically caused by Cortisol Array in the Eye Array
Treat Gu and Chong in the Eye Array with the All Parasite Array Treatment and clear their toxins
Clear histio for oxidized cholesterol and for cholesterol in the Eye Array and treat all species of Cholesterol Pathogen Array in the Eye Array
Clear histio for granulomas in the Eye Array and attack all species of Pneumoniae Arrays that generate granulomas in the body
Treat with the All Blood Vessel Plaque Purge Treatment in the Eye Array to improve circulation
The eye lens contains very unique cells. All cellular components are released from the cell except eye lens proteins. These cells become sacs holding onto these proteins and they last a person’s entire life. However, the proteins can denature. When they are in their functional state, the proteins are transparent. However, when denatured, they turn opaque, leading to cataracts.
Use the Denature Eye Lens Protein Treatment to help return denatured and semi-denatured eye lens proteins back to their normal shapes
Clear histio bone chips and cartilage chips. Treat all species of MRSA in the Eye Array with any pathogen treatment, as any cartilage chips in the Eye Array is from MRSA, in all likelihood. Treat all species of Streptococcus in the Eye Array with any pathogen treatment, as any bone chips that develop are likely from the acid created by this pathogen in the Eye Array. Clear histio for hydrochloric acid.
Clear histio for oxidized cholesterol and for cholesterol in the Eye Array and treat all species of Cholesterol Pathogen Array in the Eye Array
Clear histio for granulomas in the Eye Array and attack all species of Pneumoniae Arrays that generate granulomas in the body
I have not had much chance in treating this in my clinic. However, here are some ideas:
Treat with the Nanoscale Scaffolding Array Treatment in the eyelids
Apply the principles from the EM Level 3 book Cancer Patient Handbook, as this is a form of benign growth
Vaporize any molecules blocking pores and hair follicles in the eyelid where this should not be the case
Pink Eye / Conjunctivitis
Pink eye is caused by many different types of pathogens. A common issue is that the pathogen infects the skin of the face in addition to the eyes, but that this infection is invisible. However, it acts like fuel to the fire and keeps the infection persisting in the eye if left untreated. I always recommend to Patients suffering from pink eye to put hydrogen peroxide on a washcloth and to wipe the entire face with this. Leave the fluid on the face for three to five minutes then wash it off. This helps to clear the invisible colony on the facial skin and removes a significant amount of fuel for the infection.
Treat all species of Pink Eye Pathogen Array with any pathogen treatment and clear their toxins
Treat any All Pathogen Type infecting the Eye Array with any pathogen treatment
Treat any Human Parasite Arrays in the Eye Array with the All Parasite Array Treatment
Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Eye Array
Nystagmus is the rapid movement of the eyes side-to-side
I have treated only temporary nystagmus in the past with good success, but not chronic versions of this condition
Treat “any imbalances causing nystagmus” with the Dynamics Treatment
Treat Neurexin and Neuroligin Arrays causing nystagmus with the Neurexin and Neurologin Array Treatment
Treat EM Wounds and fissures, edema and swelling in “any areas of the brain causing nystagmus” with their respective treatments and protocols. Especially also treat these issues in the optic nerve and the Visual Processing Pathways.
Treat any All Pathogen Types in the Brain Array, any fungus species as well using pathogen treatments
Treat any Gu and Chong in the Brain Array with the All Parasite Array Treatment
Apply principles from the Cancer Patient Handbook as growths can also cause this condition
Double Vision
There are many potential causes of double vision. Weakness in the eye muscles exterior to the eye is one potential cause. Additionally, there can be impairment in the eyeball and also in the visual processing pathways. A common first sign of multiple sclerosis in patients is often double vision, and this is entirely mediated in the brain, for instance.
Treat all species of Botulinum and Hystolitica Amoeba in the head and also specifically in the Eye Array. Clear histio of Botulinum Toxin from the head and Eye Array. The severe weakness caused by this toxin to exterior eye muscles is a likely cause of double vision, especially intermittent
Apply the principles from the Cancer Patient Handbook in the case a growth is impinging on the optic nerve or visual processing pathways
Treat all species of fungus in the Brain Array and clear its toxins. Apply the Edema Protocol. For MS patients, for instance, this is the most common factor.
Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Brain Array
Retinal Detachment / Vitrous Detachment
While detachments of the retina are medical emergencies, you will find various degrees of retinal detachments in people. Vitrous detachments of the vitrous sac behind the eye lens are not medical emergencies and are often ignored by eye doctors, yet they can tremendously impair vision. Both cases are shockingly easy to treat in EM. Apply the EM Tighten Tissue Treatment to the Eye Array and also specifically to the vitrous and/or retina as needed. Use high intensities and many repetitions throughout the day.
Apply the Swelling and Edema Protocols. While detachments can be from physical trauma and even from regular aging, sometimes fluid gets in areas where it can cause mechanical pressure causing the detachment, so make sure to clear swelling and edema as well.
Watery Eyes
Watery eyes commonly occur when pathogens infect the tear glands and/or tear gland ducts. Edema and swelling from the pathogen toxins can force more fluid to eject out of the glands into the eye. To treat this, treat All Pathogen types and also separately all species of fungus and Propionibacterium Acne in the tear glands and tear ducts and clear their toxins: progesterone, Hot Hormone Array, and Cortisol Arrays. Apply the Swelling Protocol and the Edema Protocol as well
Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Eye Array as any wounding will also increase fluid production
Dry Eyes
Dry eyes can have many potential causes but they almost always relate to infectious processes. The exception to this is when circulation has been negatively impacted to the eyes in some way.
Treat All Pathogen Types infecting the Eye Array. Especially also treat All Pathogen Types infecting the tear glands and tear gland ducts
Treat any fissures in the tear glands and tear gland ducts. Fissures in the tear glands often result in dry eyes with puffiness under the eyes. That puffiness is the misdirection of the tears through fissures into the tissue under the tear gland. Clear Histio Tears to clear this buildup of tear fluid under the tear glands.
Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Eye Array
Apply the Edema Protocol and the Swelling Protocol to the Eye Array.
If you compare too many tears and eye dryness, much of the approach is similar even though the problem is the exact opposite. That is because different pathogens have different toxins that do different things. Also, infections in different areas of the eyes have different effects.
Peripheral Vision Loss
I have not had the chance to work on this condition. My first thought would be to look at mechanical changes in the eyeballs. Are there EM Tighten Tissues changing the shape of the eyeball itself?
Another consideration is if there is any damage to the Visual Cortex part of the brain. If there is, it may be having difficulty constructing information coming from areas outside of the fovea of the eye
I would apply the Swelling and Edema protocols and clear any pathogens I come across as well. Also treat Gu, Chong, and Pathogens in the Eye Array and in the Brain Array
Cornea Ulcer
Treat All Pathogen Types infecting the Eye Array and clear their toxins. Especially clear Hydrochloric Acid histio and Formaldehyde histio. If you see formaldehyde, look for C. Diff associated pathogens. If you see Hydrochloric Acid histio look for Streptococcus associated pathogens. Many organisms can generate Hydrochloric Acid, so if itis not Strep, then treat Any All Pathogen Types producing Hydrochloric Acid histio in the Eye Array
Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Eye Array
Treat EM Inflammation in the Eye Array
Treating Swelling and Edema with their respective protocols in the Eye Array