The loss of weight from cancer formation is a major danger to the patient. Raising appetite can be difficult, but it is possible.
Increase Earth Qi where it is insufficient with the Earth Qi Deficiency Treatment. Also increase Earth Qi where it is insufficiently excess with the Deficient Excess Earth Qi Treatment. Earth Qi associates with the flesh of the body, including adipose tissue
Clear histio for leptin as leptin is a hormone that turns off appetite and makes people feel disgusted to even think about food
EM Level 4 Practitioners can consider increasnig ghrelin where it is insufficient, as this hormone increases appetite
Clear histio for trypsin, a molecule that causes nausea
Use the Ear Acupuncture Point Treatment to specifically treat the increase appetite point
Cancers Of Any Variety
See the EM Level 3 Cancer Patient Handbook
Post Radiation Therapy Care
Radiation is not a harmless medical procedure. Commonly it causes major problems that persist years if not the remainder of a patient’s life. Radiation burns are common. But also possible is destruction of tissues by the radiation that should not have been destroyed. For instance, mucus membranes often dry up tremendously. Radioactive isotopes will last indefinitely in the body and are necessary to treat no matter how many years have passed since the radiation treatment
Vaporize radioactive isotopes with the Vaporize Radioactive Isotopes Treatment
Treat EM Burns with the EM Burn Treatment
Cool down blood vessels overheating because of radioactive isotopes
Treat any edema from the overheating blood vessels with the Edema Array Treatment
EM Level 4 Practitioners may consider increasing Estradiale Arrays where this is beneficial, as this can increase moisture at the mucus membranes
Treat any imbalances caused by radiation with the Dynamics Treatment
During Or Post Chemotherapy Care
Chemotherapy must contain Earth Qi in order for it to cause the destruction of tissue through the creation of Yin Excess. Often Fire Qi is also part of the chemotherapy mixture. Use the Earth Qi Excess Treatment and the Fire Qi Excess Treatment to clear these where they have built up in the Patient, especially where they have built up because of chemotherapy specifically
Treat Yin excess with the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment
Use the EM Bone And Marrow Treatment and the EM Bone And Marrow Circulation Treatment to support vitality
Use EM Emotional Fatigue Treatment to help with the challenging emotions of the treatment, keeping these emotions from causing further fatigue
Use the EM Tissue Treatment and the EM Balance Heaven Man and Earth Treatment in the mitochondria of the Patient’s own cells where this would be beneficial to help support vitality
Treat with the Jing Essence Treatment to support the Patient’s vitality
Treat dampness with the Clear Dampness Treatment or the Climatic Factors Four Levels Deep Treatment where Earth Qi excess from the chemo has built up in areas where Wood Qi is also excessive generating dampness
Increase Water Qi where it is insufficient with the Water Qi Deficiency Treatment, as the Earth Qi from the chemo will compromise the Water Qi as it controls it. In the same vain, also treat with the Comprehensive Build Bone Treatment to support the most Water Qi tissue of the body, the bone, which also takes a huge beating from the chemo