EM3: Musculoskeletal


  • Torticollis
    • I have only treated this once early on in my EM career, so I do not have great insights to share.
    • Look at this issue from a musculoskeletal perspective — contraction of Soft Tissue Array (muscles, tendons, and ligaments)
    • Look for Water Qi excess where it should not be located in the Soft Tissue Array
    • Treat bone spurs. If found, also clear Stachybotrys associated pathogen and serotonin histio
    • Look at this issue from a neurological perspective
    • Treat imbalances in the New Nerve Array and the reflexive neurons with the Dynamics Treatment and investigate specific issues such as pathogenic invasion, EM Wounds, and excesses and deficiencies of neurotransmitters
    • Look at this from a central nervous system perspective
    • Treat imbalances in the mid-brain, brain stem, cerebellum, and motor cortex including pathogens, Gu, and Chong, EM Wounds, fissures, and more
  • Fracture
    • EM is only beneficial in healing a bone fracture after the bone has been reset in its proper location
    • Treat with the EM Broken Bones Treatment and treat bone chips with the Clear Histio Bone Chips Treatment
    • Treat all species of fungus associated pathogens in the Bone Array and also in the specific area of the fracture to help avoid the development of chronic pain and arthritis years later
    • Use the Comprehensive Build Bone to help strengthen bone system wide
    • Use the Reinforce The Will Treatment to help strengthen bone system wide
    • EM Level 4 Practitioners can apply EM Drips with the EM 3-D Print technique to build up bone tissue in the area of the fracture
    • Look for Vitamin D3 deficiency and recommend supplementation if this is necessary (and legal for you to recommend in your jurisdiction)
    • Clear Estradial Arrays from the Bone Array and clear Dampness from the Bone Array, as these melt bone and increase the likelihood of fracture
  • Sprained Ankle
    • Treat with the Acute Injuries Qi Infusions Treatment using Drop It if treating within 3 days of the actual sprain
    • Treat EM Tighten Tissues in the Ankle Array
    • Clear Water Qi excess where it should not be located and clear dampness where it should not be located in the Ankle Array and in the “primo-vascular system” and in all meridians
    • Treat EM Inflammation, Swelling Protocol and Edema Protocol. The Edema Protocol is especially helpful if treating an older sprain where swelling persists weeks or months after the actual injury
  • Bunion
    • Bunions can have several possible causes
    • Treat all species of Stachybotrys associated pathogen and clear serotonin histio
    • Treat bone spurs with the Bone Spur Treatment
    • Treat all species of Alternaria associated pathogen and also apply the Alternaria Mycotoxin Array Treatment. Alternaria infects in the bone marrow area and will cause bone shape changes from the inside out
    • Treat all species of fungus associated pathogens infecting the feet and toes
    • Apply the Edema Protocol and Swelling Protocol
    • Treat All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the feet and toes and clear their toxins
    • Use the Comprehensive Build Bone Treatment
    • Clear Water Qi excess where it should not be located in the feet and toes
  • Tremor
    • Tremor is not an easy issue to treat with EM at this time. In Chinese medicine, it is often associated with Wind
    • Treat All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays infecting any area of the Brain Array, but pay especially close attention to the Motor Cortex (mid anterior part of the cerebrum), the midbrain, and the cerebellum
    • Treat Water Qi excess in the Soft Tissue Array (muscles, ligaments, and tendons) as sometimes when only a few fibers are affected this may cause problems
    • Treat soft tissue adhesions with the Comprehensive Soft Tissue Adhesions Array Treatment
    • Treat with the Circulation Treatment including but not exclusively in the Heart Array, Small Intestine Array, Liver Array, Gallbladder Array, Triple Warmer Array and Pericardium Array
    • Treat with Clear Fear and Anxiety Array Treatment and Heal From Trauma Qi Infusions Treatment
    • Treat imbalances in the Substantia Nigra with the Dynamics Treatment. Clear pathogens associated with Stachybotrys from the Substantia Nigra of the brain and clear histio of serotonin
    • Clear Wind where it should not be located
  • Convulsions & Seizures
    • In Chinese medicine, convulsions relate to the climatic factor of Phlegm. So, Vaporize EM Phlegm and especially in the central nervous system. No matter the cause, it is no doubt a central nervous system problem
    • In my experience, pathogens in the Substantia Nigra will cause these. Especially, but not exclusively, look for species of Stachybotrys and clear serotonin histio it generates. However, it is likely the inflammation caused by the Stachybotrys attracts other pathogens that produce neurotransmitters that hyper-excite fibers of the substantia nigra causing seizures
    • Treat neurotransmitter histio in the Brain Array
    • Look for “all imbalances causing seizures” and treat them with the Dynamics Treatment
    • Clear Wind where it should not be located
  • Inguenal Hernia
    • Treat EM Tighten Tissues in the inguenal area
    • Treat Wood Qi excess where it should not be located causing hyper-stretching of connective tissues
    • Treat Cortisol Arrays and then treat EM Tighten Tissues from Cortisol Arrays
    • Treat with the Comprehensive Soft Tissue Adhesions Array Treatment in the case the stretching is from an adhesion reducing the flexibility of the tissue attaching to the inguenal area
    • Treat any tissue that has become stuck inside the herniation with the Swelling Protocol and Edema Protocols and also treat EM Tighten Tissues conncected to these tissues to help draw them back out of the inguenal area
  • Restless Leg Syndrome
    • This issue can be mild to severe. The more severe, the harder it is to treat with EM
    • Treat Cortisol Array and Stress Hormone Array histio
    • Treat with the Circulation Treatment to improve circulation to the legs
    • Treat EM Wounds, fissures, and any imbalances (with the Dynamics Treatment) in reflex neurons and also in the Brain Array
    • Clear Wind where it should not be located
    • Vaporize EM Phlegm where it should not be located
    • Treat with the Jing Essence Treatment in any affected tissue
    • Treat Energy Batteries in “Yin Water associated Tissue Angles” as one way to treat Steaming Bone Disorder. Treat with the Steaming Bone Disorder Treatment
    • Treat “Metal Invasion Arrays” with the 6 Levels Deep Metal Invasion Treatment to undo overcontrol of Metal Qi on Wood Qi associated tissues