Treat with the TMJ Qi Infusions Treatment using Drop-It Parameter
Treating EM Tighten Tissues in the jaw joint and chewing muscles
Treat Stress Hormone Array histio and Cortisol Array histio generally and in the Mouth Array and in the chewing muscles and jaw joint
Cold Sores
Contrary to popular opinion cold sores are not only caused by herpes associated pathogens. Any pathogen that can cause fever may attempt to infect the lips, inside lips, or the tongue
The absolute best approach to most pathogen associated cold sores is to put hydrogen peroxide on a q-tip or cottonball and press it to the sore for 30 seconds. This kills pathogens attempting to colonize these areas and then use these exterior colonies to fuel deepening of the infection. Pathogens that use this approach commonly use hydrochloric acid as the toxin to create the fissure. Hydrogen peroxide is alkaline and balances out the pH to stop this toxin. Cold sores made by C. Diff associated pathogen do not respond to this approach because they use formaldehyde rather than a low pH to create the fissure
Yes, there is no problem looking for herpes associated pathogen here and treating it
High intensity and frequent repetitions are recommended as most pathogens that infect the Mouth Array in this way are fast replicators
Treat all cells containing the RNA or DNA of the pathogens identified in the Patient with the Infected Cell Reduction Treatment
Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the specific area where the cold sores appear
Jaw Clenching
Treat Stress Hormone Array histio and Cortisol Array histio generally and in the Mouth Array and in the chewing muscles and jaw joint. The more you can remove these forms of histio from between the teeth and the jaw bones the less clenching
Help reduce stress and anxiety, including with the Clear Fear Treatment and the Anxiety Array Treatment. EM Level 4 Practitioners might also consider the EM Capacitor Detect & Clear Fear Treatment and the EM Capacitor Detect & Clear Stress Hormone Treatment