EM: Immunology


  • Environmental Allergy / Chemical Sensitivity
    • This is caused by a breakdown of the Mucus Array, allowing particulates that would otherwise be blocked by tissue direct access to the capillaries behind the mucosa. This direct access allows quick absorption of chemicals that would otherwise be collected in mucus and ejected from the body. Restoring the Mucus Array will quickly stop this exhausting condition.
    • Apply the Chemical Sensitivity Array Treatment which will perform many of the necessary actions to restore the Mucus Array back to strength.
    • Clear Histamine Histio with the Clear Histio Treatment and apply the Swelling Treatment where Histamine has been building this up.
    • Apply the Allergy Qi Infusions Treatment or the EM Allergy Treatment until the mucosa has been fully restored
    • EM Level 4 Practitioners can directly build back up the Mucus Array with EM Level 4 treatments
  • Food Allergy (And Any Allergy)
    • Food allergy is the consequence of species of the microbiome that are reactive to foods being in contact molecules from those foods. “Weeding the garden” of reactive species of microbiome will significantly reduce food allergies (and all other allergies).
    • Diagnose all species of the microbiome that are producing histamine when in contact with molecules from the allergic foods. Treat these species with the Self Diagnosing All Pathogen Type Array Treatment however it is absolutely essential that you add “treat these organisms even though they are part of the microbiome.” Remember, the microbiome is considered part of the body and is protected. So, saying this phrase is essential to release Universal Qi from the protection of the microbiome and allow these species to be killed.
    • You may consider treating species of the microbiome that do not release histamine with the EM Balance Heaven Man and Earth Treatment to revitalize microbiome around the areas where species of microbiome are removed by the previous treatment, so that aggressive organisms do not take advantage of new “real estate” and start to grow in microbiome gaps you have generated.
    • Apply the Allergy Qi Infusions Treatment or the EM Allergy Treatment as necessary for symptomatic relief.
    • Treat All Species Of Staphylococcus associated pathogen using the Comprehensive Staphylococcus Array Treatment. The reason you want to use this treatment is that it will vaporize “zonulin”, a molecule made by Staph that causes “leaky gut disorder”. It will also tighten up the tissues in between cells so that any gaps between cells created by zonulin will close up. Also treat Antibody Arrays andclear histio for histamine.
  • Gluten Intolerance
    • See Food Allergy above and use all of the same principles, and apply them for gluten and also for all food types that produce gluten
    • Treat EM Scars throughout the body with the EM Scar Treatment
    • Attack Anaerobic All Pathogen Type Arrays that live in scars with the Self-Diagnosing All Pathogen Type Array Treatment.
    • Attack All Species of Clostridium with the Self Diagnosing All Pathogen Type Array Treatment, as Clostridium produces gluten in the body as a pathogen toxin.
    • Vaporize Gluten Histio.
  • Anaphylaxis
    • This is a Western medical emergency requiring immediate Western medical intervention. Call 911 first!
    • Anaphylaxis is extreme Yang and extreme heat so clearing this is imperative as quickly as possible with the highest intensities you can use. You should send your treatments and instruct Universal Qi to ignore all distance safety requirements so that the Patient can be treated even if people are very close by. Remember to treat all people who are within range of the treatments with the EM Restore Me Array Treatment using high intensity at the next available opportunity after the crisis has passed. Use the Clear Excess Yang Treatment. Use the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment. Apply the Bloodletting Treatment to all “Jing Well” acupuncture points. Apply the Cool Down The Blood Vessel Array with high intensity including in the Capillary Array but also generally.
    • Vaporize Histamine Histio with very high intensity
    • Treat swelling with the Swelling Treatment from histamine with very high intensity
    • EM Level 4 Practitioners can consider building molecules in the body for adrenaline or anti-histamines
  • Lyme Disease
    • Attack all species of Wide Tick Pathogen Arrays using very high intensity. Then do this again treating “sub-sub”.
    • Attack all Human Parasite Arrays throughout the body using very high intensity. These parasites are a location where pathogens hide in the body from the body’s immune system and from antibiotics. This step is essential for resolution of Lyme Disease.
    • Apply the Biofilm Treatment to clear biofilm
    • Attack cuprizone with the Cuprizone Cascade Treatment. Attack all Human Parasite Arrays and All Pathogen Types in the cuprizone being treated with the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment
    • Attack any specific known co-infectors, even though the Wide Tick Pathogen Array contains more than 20 such species of associated pathogens.
    • Attack all species of Fungus in the body (if someone is frail, do this as a separate treatment from attacking the tick associated pathogens).
    • Attack all species of Fusarium and Stachybotrys in the body. Vaporize the following pathogen toxins: ionophores, melanocyte stimulating hormone, tumor necrosis factor, cytokines, interleukins, and prostoglandins. Ionophores cause new ion channels to form in cells. As a pathogen toxin of these organisms, it will cause major failures in a cell’s ability to detox. By clearing the ionophores and these pathogens, it significantly helps detoxing.
    • Attack all species of Hystolitica Amoeba, Botulinum, and Rope Worm Life Cycle Array. It is common for these organisms to also be in tick bites, though this is not always the case.
    • Apply the Reflexive Pathogen Toxin Treatment to clear all toxins from these organisms.
    • Treat All Pathogen Type Tissue Arrays with the All Pathogen Type Tissue Array Treatment to heal any tissues damaged from any pathogen and its toxins.
    • In the Liver Array and Gallbladder Array apply the Circulation Treatment to improve Liver Blood. Antibiotics alone (even without including the pathogen toxins of the organisms being treated) will cause major symptoms associated with lyme disease — joint pain, fatigue, foggy head, and more. So, improving Liver Blood is essential.
    • Raise vitality with the Jing Essence Treatment, the EM Bone and Marrow Treatment and the EM Bone and Marrow Circulation Treatment as well as applying the EM Balance Heaven Man and Earth Treatment and the Jing Essence Treatment to the mitochondria in the Patient’s cells. Patients who are particularly frail should only receive this set of treatments for the first couple of treatments rather than attacking the pathogens, which might worsen their frail situation.
  • Hepatitis
    • Attack All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the liver organ and clear their toxins.
    • Attack All Species Of Hepatitis throughout the body and in the liver organ. Also specifically treat any known species in the Patient.
    • Clear dampness from the body where it should not be located, especially though not exclusively in the liver organ
    • Treat with the Edema Protocol and the Swelling Protocol in the liver organ