Bone chips are either caused by trauma or fungus associated pathogens. Bones take 6 weeks to heal from a trauma. However, after a trauma to a bone, fungus often moves in. If untreated, decades later this will lead to arthritis in the bone where the trauma occurred. Fungus acts like a skin on the wound of a trauma and this means the bone never fully heals where the fungus has grown a colony. Once the fungus is removed, it will still take 6 weeks longer for the bone to heal from the original trauma and the new and ongoing trauma caused by the fungal infection
Attack any fungus associated pathogens in the Bone Array and Cartilage Array or the local affected bone
Treat with the Broken Bones Treatment
Apply the Clear Histio Bone Chips Treatment to clear tiny bits of bone that have lodged into the local soft tissue
Bone Spur
There are two common pathogenic paths to the development of bone spurs: Stachybotrys and Alternaria associated pathogens
Stachybotrys associated pathogens produce serotonin histio which in turn causes bone spurs to form. These kinds of bone spurs can be treated with the Bone Spur Treatment but don’t forget to treat the serotonin and the Stachybotrys pathogens to provide permanent benefit
By contrast, Alternaria associated pathogens infect inside bones in the bone marrow, causing swelling and edema inside the bone to cause major changes in bone shape that take the form of bunions and joint disfigurement. The Comprehensive Alternaria Array Treatment will help clear these pathogens. The Alternaria Mycotoxin Array Treatment can clear the toxins these pathogens produce which cause major swelling and inflammation. Once the pathogens and their toxins are gone, the bones often return to normal bone shape all on their own