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- Wound
- Use the EM Wounds Treatment
- Attack All Pathogen Types in and around the EM Wound
- Blister
- Use the EM Blister Treatment
- Attack All Pathogen Types in and around the blister
- Rash
- Attack All Pathogen Types infecting the skin array
- Attack Human Parasite Arrays infecting the skin array
- Apply the Clear Excess Skin Treatment
- Apply the EM Rash Treatment
- Apply the Climatic Factors Four Levels Deep Treatment to the Skin Array (to clear wind heat)
- Apply the Clear Histio Histamine Treatment
- Attack species of All Pathogen Types in the microbiome that are being reactive and releasing histamine
- Burn
- Apply the EM Burn Treatment. For very bad burns, apply over and over again at high intensity and repetitions
- For sunburns, also clear EM Scars in the Skin Array.
- For sunburns, use the Sunburn Treatment