EM3: Parasites

Gu is akin to worm like parasites and mites. Chong are akin to single cellular parasites. Gu and chong are major contributors to people’s symptoms. People imagine their bodies as pristine, especially living in first world nations. We prefer a paradigm in which our immune systems are capable of clearing almost all pathogens and parasites. When we have symptoms of disease, it is preferable to think that these are entirely constructed out of our own bodies’ failings and inefficiencies. The idea that we have worms, amoebas, and protozoa in us can be deeply troubling. But the fact is, we all have these things inside of us. Meat eaters and fish eaters especially are prone to Gu getting inside of us. But even vegetarians and vegans can have them (though part of the health benefits of these diets may be associated with fewer Gu problems).


Gu and chong can get anywhere in the body and are, in fact, very common inside the head, around the brain or, in the case of chong, even inside the brain. Gu also tend to grow inside blood vessels, the pancreas, and the liver, though no organ is immune and people can often have them in and around the heart.


Western medicine would disagree. They will tell you that “heart worm” is common with other mammals but uncommon in humans. They almost never diagnose parasites as a causative factor for diseases. Certain parasites are considered very regional problems but not a threat elsewhere. An example of this is Leishmaniasis, which should only be found around the equator according Western practitioners.


One major problem with Western thinking is a fixed sense of scale. The Western world tends to believe that the range of sizes of organisms is relatively narrow. But, in actuality, organisms exist in a very wide spectra of sizes. Leishmaniasis is in almost every person I work with. The only way I can explain why doctors do not identify it in Northern climates such as my own is that it must be much smaller than supposed and much harder to identify under a microscope.


You can look for helminths, mites, amoeba, protists, and protozoa in EM using the phrase EM Human Parasite Arrays. The EM Human Parasite Array Treatment is the treatment of choice as it has been honed to quickly and effectively eradicate most gu and chong. Gu often will shrink in size over time rather than die all at once.


Parasites contain viruses, bacteria, and fungi. They tend to be the incubators of pathogens related to lyme disease, for instance. The gu and chong need to be the first consideration when treating lyme as a result. When parasites die, these pathogens are released into the system So, a comprehensive approach is needed when attacking parasites to make sure you are not introducing infectious agents into the body.


The EM Pathogen Toxin Treatment can be used to clear pathogen toxins from gu and chong as well. With helminths, always look for formic acid histio, as this is a major aggravation to nerves and often causes nerves to generate EM Shingles.


Much more will be discussed about Gu and Chong in the EM Level 3 Pathogens Gu and Chong Handbook.