EM3: Pain

Pain can have an incredible array of potential causes including—but not limited to—the following: acute trauma, overstretching, excessive contraction, soft tissue adhesions, nerve inflammation, pineal to midbrain nerve fiber injury, EM Shingles, swollen blood vessels, swelling, edema, blood stagnation, cell stagnation, reduced function of canninaboid fibers in the Nerve Array, broken bones, broken cartilage, cartilage chips, bone chips, insufficient synovial fluid, swelling of synovial fluid, pathogens, pathogens in lymphatic vessels, nerve compression, bone spur, gout, wounds, splinters, parasites, muscle strain, food stagnation, gas, muscle spasm, and probably a whole lot more than I have already mentioned.


See the Pain Protocol for ideas on treating pain. You may need to go through the list above and check out imbalances responsible for each of these to find the deeper root cause of pain. Pain is the most difficult symptom to treat for any medicine because it has so many potential causes.


Other perspectives on this issue:


Emotional pain is hard to differentiate and may even cause physical pain. In the Western world this would be considered “psychosomatic” but in EM it may be literally true that the buildup of Qi related to emotions causes a pain. The EM Trauma Treatment may help reduce these types of pains.


It is common in the West to treat pain with aspirin and/or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs). Unfortunately, there are consequences of using these medications some of which might increase the likelihood of chronic pain. One of the most important systems in the body is the Canninaboid System. These nerve fibers are essential for reducing pain and also reducing anxiety. Cannibis, marijuana, stimulates this system to significantly decrease anxiety and pain. When people ingest NSAIDS, the molecules of these medications attach to Canninaboid System receptors stimulating analgesia. Unfortunately, it is very common for NSAIDs to attach to these receptors without detaching as would be normal for the natural stimulants of these receptors. Each time a receptor attaches to an NSAID and does not let go it means more of the Canninaboid System becomes inoperable. Over time, this means the Canninaboid System’s ability to reduce pain and anxiety begins to fail resulting in more instances of pain and increased feelings of anxiety. The EM NSAID In Receptor Array Treatment can be used to clear the NSAIDs from these receptors so that the Canninaboid System can once again work properly.


Salicylic acid, aspirin, is also a known cause of tinnitus. If a person takes aspirin regularly, it is important to use the EM Clear Histio Salicylic Acid Treatment regularly to reduce the histio this generates in the body.


Another Western approach to pain that can cause chronic pain is the use of icing an injury. Recent Western research has substantiated the claims made by practitioners of Chinese medicine that this is a bad idea. When you ice a pain, tissues impacted by the ice are likely to contract. This contraction in soft tissues such as muscles and in blood vessels such as capillaries does not always return to normal after the icing. As a result, the soft tissue contraction increases pain and the reduction in circulation to the area of swelling and inflammation becomes cut off from the circulatory system. Blood contains molecules that increase swelling and inflammation which is why icing was originally recommended. But it also contains molecules and white blood cells that can reduce inflammation and swelling. When circulation is cut off from the injured area, the ability for the body to naturally reduce swelling and inflammation has also reduced. In the context of EM, it is better to treat an acute injury with the EM Inflammation Treatment, the EM Swelling Treatment, and any other helpful treatments such as the EM Wound Treatment and the EM Broken Bones Treatment as necessary. The faster you treat swelling and inflammation with EM the less that will be produced at the site of the injury, significantly speeding up recovery.