EM3: Neck Box

  • Cervical Neck Pain
    • Cervical neck pain can have many possible causes, look for EM Inflammation to help determine the tissues that are immediately unhappy. This can provide clues as to the cause of the pain
    • Treat EM Tighten Tissue Arrays in between vertebrae, connected to vertebrae, and around vertebrae
    • Consider many great spine and back treatments such as the Back And Spine Qi Infusions Treatment, the Comprehensive Spine Treatment, the Chiropractor Adjustment Treatment and more (see the Bones section in the EM Level 3 Treatment Guide)
    • Treat any “Broken Bones” which will indicate chipped bones. Also treat bone chips and cartilage chips in the local area. Treat EM Wounds in the Bone Array and Cartilage Array. Treat bone spurs
    • Look for possible pathogens such as Aspergillis, Stachybotrys, and Propionibacterium Acnes and treat all swelling and edema they produce
    • Look for EM Shingles and treat with the Nerve Pain Protocol
    • Treat Soft Tissue Adhesions with the Comprehensive Soft Tissue Adhesions Array Treatment
  • Vertebrae Out Of Joint
    • Treat EM Tighten Tissue Arrays in between vertebrae, connected to vertebrae, and around vertebrae
    • Consider many great spine and back treatments such as the Back And Spine Qi Infusions Treatment, the Comprehensive Spine Treatment, the Chiropractor Adjustment Treatment and more (see the Bones section in the EM Level 3 Treatment Guide)
    • Look for Propionibacterium Acnes causing swelling and inflammation inside the joint. If found, you must treat progesterone histio, cortisol arrays, Hot Hormone Arrays, tighten the over-stretched tissue and clear the swelling and edema
  • Herniation
    • See Vertebrae Out Of Joint Above
    • Tighten connective tissues that interiorly and exteriorly stabilize the position of the vertebrae
    • Look for imbalances in the tough connective tissue of joints at the Full Body Kidney(Gallbladder) Organ
  • Weak Voice
    • Treat edema, swelling and inflammation with the appropriate protocol in the tongue, larynx, pharynx, trachea, vocal cords, and Lung Organ Array
    • Apply the EM Tissue Treatment and the Earth Qi Deficiency Treatment to the Diaphragm
    • Increase energy system wide with System Level Treatments, also include the Heat and Cool The Yuan Source Flow Treatment for deeply increasing energy in all meridians
    • Attack All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the Lung Organ Array, diaphragm, layrnx, pharynx, and trachea and clear their toxins
    • Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Lung Organ Array and vocal cords
  • Vomiting
    • Attack All Pathogen Types in the GI Tract and the Upper Passages (often pathogens that cause vomiting infect the upper airways and their toxins drip down into the upper GI Tract
    • Apply the Stop Vomiting Treatment
    • Look for and treat Rotavirus, Norovirus, and Food Poisoning Pathogens and clear their toxins, especially progesterone and estrogen histio and the swelling these create
  • Excess Phlegm Production When Eating
    • Attack all species of Streptococcus in the esophagus and Mucus Array and the Mucus Array of the esophagus and clear the hydrochloric acid histio it produces (including inside any fissures it has created)
    • Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the esophagus and the Mucus Array of the esophagus
  • Sore Throat
    • Attack All Pathogen Types infecting the Upper Passages and Infection Zone and also the Lymph Array
    • Clear Swelling in the Lymph Array
    • Look for Streptococcus, Haemophilus, and Epstein Barr Virus and treat their toxins. In the case of Streptococcus clear hydrochloric acid histio and heal EM Wounds and fissures. In the case of Epstein Barr Virus apply the Epstein Barr Virus Array Treatment and the Sugar Toxins Treatment
    • Apply the Scratchy Throat Treatment
    • Treat EM Wounds and fissures in the Mucus Array, the Upper Passages, the Infection Zone, and the Lymph Array. Also treat EM Inflammation
  • Acid Reflux
    • We do not have a sure fire method for treating acid reflux yet with EM.
    • Attack All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the stomach organ, the Sphincter Array, and the esophagus
    • Specifically treat any Epstein Barr Virus, H. Pylori, and Streptococcus in the GI Tract
    • Clear Stomach Fire in the form of Excess Heat and Excess Earth Qi together
    • Treat any EM Tighten Tissue Arrays in the Sphincter Array and also in all tissues that can be involved in hiatal hernias
    • Clear Cortisol Array and Stress Hormone Array histio
    • Treat with the Sympathetic Parasympathetic Treatment and also treat any imbalances in the Full Body Gallbladder Organ (nerves emanating from the spine) with the Dynamics Treatment
    • Look to see if gluten tissues are immediately next to microbiome reactive to gluten in the upper GI Tract and clear the guten histio and weed the microbiome of species reactive to gluten
  • Shoulder Pain
    • Treat EM Tighten Tissue Arrays throughout the body and also in the Shoulder Array and in connective tissues that internally and externally stabilize all tissues that attach to and all tissues that cross over the shoulder
    • Look for and treat any soft tissue adhesions with the Soft Tissue Adhesions Array Treatment
    • Look for Broken Bones, bone chips, cartilage chips, and bone spurs. If you see bone chips, look for and treat fungi and molds. If you see cartilage chips look for and treat MRSA. If you see bone spurs look for and treat Stachybotrys
    • Treat any EM Shingles with the Nerve Pain Protocol
    • Treat EM Inflammation, swelling, and edema with the appropriate protocols in any tissues at the Shoulder Array and also any muscles that connect to the humerus bone
  • Swallowing Pain
    • Attack All Pathogen Types and Human Parasite Arrays in the GI Tract and hard palate, soft palate, Nasopharynx Array, uvula and the tissues next to it, epiglottis, esophagus, sphincter array, and tongue. Clear their toxins
    • Treat EM Wounds and fissures in any of the tissues indicated above. If fissures, look for hydrochloric acid and Streptococccus
    • Treat EM Inflammation, swelling, and edema with the appropriate protocols in any tissues indicated above
    • Treat any EM Shingles with the Nerve Pain Protocol
  • Swallowing Weakness
    • Treat any Botulinum in the body and clear Botulinum toxin. If found also clear dampness from the Liver Array and Gallbladder Array including in the Nerve Array
    • Treat all imbalances in the Nerve Array with the Dynamics Treatment
    • Treat the entire body to support Yin and Yang
    • Increase Earth Qi in the tongue muscle
    • Look for swelling in the tongue muscle and treat it as indicated above
    • Teat any edema with the Edema Protocol
  • Plum Pit Sensation In Throat
    • This is a sign of Qi Stagnation and can be treated with the Qi Stagnation Treatment
    • Treat EM Phlegm with the EM Phlegm Treatment or the Vaporize Phlegm Treatment
    • Look for helminths and clear them if in the GI Tract or larynx, pharynx, and trachea
    • Treat Metal Qi invading Wood Qi Tissue-Angles with the 6 Levels Deep Metal Invasion Treatment
  • Swollen Glands
    • Treat All Pathogen Types in the Lymph Array (not the Gland Array)
    • Treat swelling in the Lymph Array
    • Treat all species of Streptococcus, Haemophilus, and Epstein Barr Virus in the body and also specifically in the Lymph Array, Lymph Nodes and Glands. Also clear their pathogen toxins
    • Treat any hydrochloric acid histio in the Lymph Array and treat any fissures and EM Wounds