There’s itchy and then there is really itchy. An area can itch because of skin damage but it can also itch because of histio quisquiliae building up that stimulates swelling and inflammation. The intensity of itchiness depends on the type of histio and its location.
Skin cracking can cause itchiness. This is often caused by dryness which in turn is often the result of sodium histio building up because of progesterone histio. Progesterone is a steroid and one of the ways that it functions is by moving sodium. So, one tends to build the other generating areas of dryness in some tissues and swelling in others (since fluids follow salt). Use the Clear Histio _name of molecule_ method for these. Cracked skin can often be ameliorated simply by improving circulation with the EM Circulation Treatment. The EM Clear Excess Skin Treatment is also helpful for balancing the energy of the skin to heal from any rash or skin trauma.
Histio of urishial, the poison of poison ivy, causes a burning form of itchiness. You can clear this histio with the Clear Histio treatment or use the EM Poison Ivy Treatment. Urishial builds up over time in the body and remains long after exposure to poison ivy.
An extremely common cause of itchiness is dopamine histio generated by Candida. You are likely to find this histio in the Capillary Array where Candida commonly infects. Dopamine causes an extreme burning itch. This can develop anywhere in the body but is common in the reproductive organs.
Histamine histio can lead to itchiness and even hives due to the fact that it creates swelling in the Capillary Array. Histamine can be sign of microbiome reactive to an allergen. In this case, it can be helpful to identify and clear the responsible pathogens in the microbiome. Remember, when you treat the microbiome with the EM Pathogens Treatment you must specify as a parameter of the treatment to treat these pathogens even though they are in the microbiome. Histamine histio is also generated by species of Herpes Virus. Use the EM Herpes Virus All Pathogen Array Treatment to attack this virus. You should also identify cells in your body carrying the RNA and/or DNA of herpes virus inside the cells and use the EM Infected Cell Reduction on those cells to reduce the potential energy for the infection to resurge. Lastly, clear the swelling in the Capillary Array from this.
Other pathogens can also cause itchiness such as Staphylococcus Aureus in the case of folliculitis.
Itchiness is often a sign of inflammation so the EM Inflammation can come in handy.
Scalp itchiness can be from dryness which might benefit from earlier recommendations and also changing shampoos. But it also can come from parasites such as follicular mites or even lice. Lice are problematic with EM in that they often reside on the hair and not in the body so your treatment of them may be less impactful. But in either case, using the EM Human Parasite Array Treatment can be helpful. Also, when you diagnose looking for EM Human Parasite Arrays, this automatically includes looking for eggs and other life cycle stages of the parasites, so you do not have to separately break this down for diagnosis and treatment.