Histio Quisquiliae, or tissue detritus, can develop anywhere in the body. Symptoms of imbalance commonly develop where histio is present. Unfortunately, rarely does histio follow a pattern where you can identify what kind of histio is present based on its location. You can, however, identify histio by the imbalances it creates. Serotonin histio often generates bone spurs. Hydrochloric acid histio often creates fissures. Progesterone histio often creates swelling. Hot hormone array histio often generates edema. Excitotoxin histio damages nerves. Bone chip histio causes joint pain. As there are innumerable forms of histio, the list can go on and on.
The Clear Histio _name of molecule_ Treatment can be used to clear any kind of histio you can imagine.
Histio quisquiliae can be used to help determine specific pathogens and parasites in the body, so they can be extremely useful diagnostically. If you identify dopamine histio then you should next look for Candida. If you identify serotonin histio look for Stachybotrys. If you identify hot hormone array histio look for fungus such as Aspirgillis.
Other problems in the body indicate histio is present and as a result create an entire pathway of inquiry. For instance, if you identify swelling in the body, is it from histamine histio or progesterone histio or estrogen histio? If from histamine, it may be from species of Herpes virus or from reactive microbiome. If you identify estrogen histio, then look for Rhinovirus. If you identify progesterone histio, then it can be any of a wide number of infectious organisms such as Propionibacterium Acne, Rhinovirus, Hantavirus, Coxsackievirus, and so on. Many imbalances in the body will be associated with a form of histio which will then pave a path to an organism to treat.
Sometimes, it is best to take the energy and break down into even smaller building blocks. To break histio into even smaller units than the Clear Histio method, use the Vaporize _name of molecule_ method instead.