EM3: Fever

Fevers involve the rise of body temperature as a natural method of fighting infectious disease. By raising the body temperature significantly enough, proteins and enzymes in infectious organisms denature and/or cannot function allowing the body to stall the infection long enough for the white blood cells to clear away the invading pathogens.


In the West, it is common to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications to reduce fevers. Certain anti-pyretic molecules are known to reduce fever. But there is some debate among alternative medical practitioners as to whether it is a good idea to stop a fever at all. A very common alternative approach to fevers is to sweat out a pathogen – to facilitate the fever (making sure to hydrate sufficiently).


With EM, the argument for facilitating or encouraging a fever versus stopping one is moot. When you clear the infection itself, there is no further need for a fever. So, attacking the infection and clearing it is far more important than focusing on the fever.


With EM, it is possible to stop an early fever. It is also possible to speed up an illness with feverishness as a main symptom. But at this time we do not have a method of immediately and completely stopping a full on fever once it has reached the level of intense chills.


Fevers are considered the domain of the hypothalamus which controls the body’s thermometer. It is clear that fevers also involve a cascade of molecules such that once one molecule enters the blood, the next one is likely to follow much like dominoes falling down. Not knowing all of the individual molecules in the process means we are limited to either stopping the process at the first dominoes or speeding up how fast the dominoes fall. As of today, we aren’t able to remove any dominoes along the path to stop the cascade entirely.


Pathogens that cause fever do so by releasing Thyroid Hormone Array histio into the blood. Which is to say, even though the hypothalamus is thought to stimulate a fever, excessive thyroid hormones are the first dominoes necessary in the chain. Using the EM Clear Histio Thyroid Hormone Array is often sufficient enough to stop a fever before it begins. But this must be done when also vigorously attacking the pathogen releasing this histio. The EM Past The Point Of No Return Treatment attacks all acute pathogens infecting the blood. This treatment can be used at the early stages of an infection to stop a fever. When I use this treatment I also use EM Diagnosis to identify where the pathogens treated by that treatment are infecting tissue. Knowing where they are getting into the blood and where they are infecting tissue immediately next to this tissue permits an attack at these locations to try to create a space between the infecting colony and the blood vessels.


If you stop these elements before chills begin in full force, you can alkalanize the blood to fend off a febrile pathogen. While we do have the EM Oxygen Hydrogen Array Treatment to clear OH and O from the body that impact pH and we also have the EM Acid Base Treatment, the absolute best tool for quickly alkalinizing the blood is a pinch of baking soda in a small amount of water multiple times a day. While you’re at it, apply the EM Clear Histio Hydrochloric Acid to clear the acid that febrile pathogens release into the body to generate the pH they need for optimal replication.


If full on chills ensue, however, continue to attack the pathogens and their toxins causing the fever. Repeat these treatments as often as you can. These kinds of pathogens tend to be fast replicators which means many repetitions in short succession are more helpful than applying these treatments a few times a day. Any amount of treatment of the pathogens and their toxin will dramatically speed up the length of the illness though it should be noted that each time you attack the pathogens the toxins that stimulate fevers will likely be released which might keep the temperature high and intensify the chills.


Once a fever starts, the main issue that must be addressed is salt histio in the Capillary Array which you can treat with the EM Clear Histio Salt in the Capillary Array. The capillaries are the hottest tissue of the body. Pyritic molecules that cause fever also contain Fire Qi which pushes Water Qi. Salt is a form of Water Qi and it is also a pathogen toxin produced by the flu virus. Which means that a main issue with fevers is salt histio pushed into the capillaries. When this occurs at the skin array this causes chills. The faster you can clear the salt histio the faster you will go through the fever.


The flu virus, which we call in EM “H#N# Flu Virus” (pronounced H Number N Number Flu Virus due to how scientists designate the flu) creates three main histio that must be cleared: thyroid hormone arrays, salt, and hydrochloric acid. If you clear the thyroid hormone arrays you can stop the fever. If left to flourish, the pyritic elements of these molecules push the salt histio to the capillaries of the skin causing chills. And the acid produces the optimal environment for the flu virus replication. We have tools to deal with each of these phases that are incredibly helpful.


Many other viruses other than the flu cause fevers. As a community, we should communicate what we are seeing and discerning among each other to facilitate healing. Often a pathogen will make headlines in one part of the world as being very aggressive and dangerous. When you see that, look for those same species in your own patients as these species or genus are clearly active and most people will receive less intense versions of what may be fatal somewhere far away.