Fainting and loss of consciousness can occur from extreme depletion for weak and elderly people, over-stimulation of the nervous system causing a vasovagal response, EM phlegm causing seizures, or from extremely low blood pressure resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain.
Yin or Yang exhaustion is a situation of extreme depletion to the point of one side of the Yin/Yang balance being essentially absent from the equation. Loss of consciousness from this cause almost exclusively impacts elderly or terminal patients who are so depleted that their Yin and Yang cannot support each other sufficiently to generate the most basic batteries of the body operational. A person in this state is in extreme peril. It is essential to treat him or her as a system to replenish Yin and Yang system wide and to also make sure each of the main batteries of the body have the proper orientation of Yin and Yang inside of them. This includes: Fire Qi in the Heavenly plane and Water Qi North to South and South to North. This includes Water Qi in the kidney organs and Fire Qi in the heart organ. This includes Water Qi in the bones and Fire Qi in the bone marrow. The EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment can be most helpful in this. The greatest difficulty in treating a patient who is so depleted is that he act of healing is in itself depleting. A corresponding concern is the intensity and number of repetitions that are necessary to restore balance are tremendous, and, thus—in themselves, possibly overwhelming. The safety mechanisms built into EM may not allow you to download the necessary treatments into such patients because the treatments may be too much for the patient. That said, there is no harm in trying to do your best.
The most likely cause of fainting in otherwise healthy individuals is imbalances in the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is a primordial nerve that exists in creatures that lack spinal columns. It projects out of the midbrain and attaches throughout the body to every organ and to many tissues far and wide. Sudden over-stimulation of the vagus nerve can cause the “vasovagal response” which can include nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, cold sweats, and even loss of consciousness. You can look for any “imbalances” in and around the vagus nerve and treat those imbalances with the EM Dynamics Treatment. Additional assessment and treatment of the vagus nerve can be helpful for EM Wounds, for EM Inflammation, for fissures or any other kind of damage. The vagus nerve runs tremendously on the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Therefore, acetylcholine histio can over-stimulate it. Thyroid Hormone Array histio generates acetylcholine histio. So, if you identify one you should look for the other.
People who suffer from seizures are believed in Chinese medicine to be over-come by phlegm. In EM, we call all of the various different forms of phlegm EM Phlegm and we treat them with the EM Phlegm Treatment. It is possible that EM Phlegm has found its way into the nerve synaptic junctions or into or around nerves themselves. However, modern anatomy and physiology suggests that seizures relate to brain and nerve imbalances. I would suggest looking for pathogens and their toxins in various locations in the brain array and treating whatever you might discover. You should also look for tumors and treat according to the Cancer section if this is the underlying cause. Pathogens and Gu and Chong (akin to parasites) can also cause unconsciousness with seizures.
Another common cause of loss of consciousness is known as “sinking Qi” in Chinese medicine but which most likely relates to blood pressure being insufficient to raise blood to the brain. A sudden drop in brain circulation can lead to light-headedness and even fainting when extreme. In order to treat this cause, it is essential to restore proper circulation throughout the body which will require assessing the health of the heart, the presence of plaque in the blood vessels such as the carotid arteries, circulation to the bone marrow which, if impaired, may not be creating enough red blood cells, and even assessing whether or not leukemia is causing an over-production of white blood cells and an insufficient amount of red blood cells in the marrow. Please see the chapter on Poor Circulation for more information about these issues.