For each of the emergencies below, always seek Western medical care first and only apply EM after this care has been administered
If the patient is frail, do not apply EM
If the Patient remains unconscious, apply the Acupuncture Point Treatment to revive from unconsciousness
If the Patient is in a coma, treat all imbalances in the Claustrum of the Cerebrum with the Dynamics Treatment
Apply System Level Treatments such as EM Balance Heaven Man and Earth, EM Balance Yin and Yang, and the EM Energy Treatment
If from drug overdose, use the Vaporize Treatment for all molecules of the over-dosing drug
After the debris has been cleared from the airway, treat EM Wounds in the Upper Passages, larynx, pharynx, and trachea
Apply the Acute Injuries Qi Infusions Treatment using the Drop-It Parameter and apply this once a minute every minute for 10 minutes when no one is touching the Patient
If unconscious, see Unconscious above
At the time of an acute injury, apply the Acute Injuries Qi Infusions Treatment using the Drop-It Parameter and apply this once a minute every minute for up to 10 minutes
Apply the EM Tissue Treatment to the Pericardium Array in the area that was injured
Apply the Moxa Pole Treatment in the area of injury
Deep Cuts
In every Tissue Depth affected, apply the EM Wounds Treatment. Apply the EM Tighten Tissues Treatment in the tissues around the injury that if treated will help close up the wound
Treat All Pathogen Types in and around the wound with the Self Diagnosing All Pathogen Type Array Treatment
Treat EM Inflammation Treatment and the Swelling Treatment where applicable
Treat all species of Tetanus in the Patient and also apply the EM Pathogen Toxins Treatment to clear “Tetanus Toxin”
If any particulates are in the wound that cannot immediately be removed, apply the Vaporize Treatment to clear these particulates as best as possible and continue to treat All Pathogen Types many times a day for many days following the injury
Heart Attack
Apply the Circulation Treatment to the cardiac heart
Apply the EM Heart Support Treatment
Treat EM Blood Stagnation and EM Cell Stagnation
Treat EM Inflammation in the cardiac heart and Blood Vessel Array
Clear histio for oxidized cholesterol and cholestrol
Apply the All Blood Vessel Plaque Purge Treatment to the Chest Energy Box
Apply the Clear Fear Treatment and the Anxiety Array Treatment to the Chest Energy Box
If any Helminth is in the cardiac heart, treat it with the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment very aggressively to clear it as quickly as possible
After a miscarriage, there can be ongoing bleeding acutely and also an aberration of the menstrual cycle for several months
Treat EM Wounds in the Capillary Array and Blood Vessel Array of the Reproductive Zone Array
As soon as possible after the miscarriage apply the Acute Injuries Qi Infusions Treatment using the Drop-It Parameter once a minute every minute for up to 10 minutes
Apply the Menstrual Frustrations Qi Infusions Treatment for several weeks
Apply the Complete CBP Hormone Treatment for two weeks
If Western medical procedures were used, attack all species of fungus in the body with the All Fungus Array Treatment or any other pathogen treatment
Treat areas of the body holding onto grief with the Five Element Excess Treatment and Five Element Deficiency Treatment
Apply the Clear Fear and Anxiety Array Treatments as necessary
Ectopic Pregnancy
Treat EM Wounds, EM Inflammation, and EM Swelling following any Western medical procedue
Treat pathogens we associate with fungus, MRSA, and MRCONS after any Western medical intervention using any pathogen treatment, such as the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment
Clear Anaerobic All Pathogen Type Arrays with the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment and then use the EM Scar Treatment to help keep scarring at a minimum following any Western medical interventions
Attack all species of Rabies Virus in the Patient with any pathogen treatment such as the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment using the highest possible intensities and highest possible repetitions and clear all of its pathogen toxins with the EM Pathogen Toxins Treatment
Attack any All Pathogen Types and any Human Parasite Arrays that got on or into the body because of the bite with the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment and treat their toxins as well
See Deep Cuts above for dealing with the bite wound
Snakebites and other Venomous Bites
Vaporize all molecules of venom that got into the body from the bite with the highest possible intensities and the highest possible repetitions and repeat this every 15 seconds for the first hour following the bite if the venom is known to be deadly or causes necrotizing tissue to develop
Treat the wound as indicated for Deep Cuts above
For spider bites, you can also use the Vaporize Spider Bite Venom Treatment
Stings (ie. Bee, Wasp)
Apply the Vaporize Bee Sting Venom Treatment
Clear histio of histamine with high repetitions and high intensities
Apply the EM Inflammation Treatment and the Swelling Treatment to all affected areas of the body
Clear histio of histamine with high repetitions and high intensities
Apply the EM Inflammation Treatment and the Swelling Treatment to all affected areas of the body
Apply the Acupuncture Point Treatment or the EM Balance Meridians Treatment specifically to stop anaphylaxis
Apply the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment to the Blood Array