EM3: Circulatory


  • High Blood Pressure
    • High blood pressure is a difficult issue to treat as it is a single data point in a person’s overall health. Many different inputs can affect blood pressure including: Yang excess, Yin deficiency, compression of blood vessels, edema/swelling/inflammation of the blood vessels, pathogens, parasites, and forms of hot histio, to name a few possible factors (and this list is hardly comprehensive)
    • The High Blood Pressure Treatment helps some people while it exacerbates high blood pressure for other people
    • Apply the EM Balance Meridians Treatment and specify to “specifically lower blood pressure”
    • Clear species of Tinea associated pathogen from the Blood Vessel Array and clear its toxins (Nitric Oxide, Nitrous Oxide, and Hot Hormone Array), next…
    • Clear edema in the Blood Vessel Array with the Edema Protocol
    • Treat Cortisol Arrays and Stress Hormone Array histio. The effect of cortisol is to loosen connective tissue. As a result, blood vessels can over-stretch from excessive exposure to cortisol. While at first this may lower blood pressure by increasing space in the circulatory system, eventually the blood vessels will start to prolapse creating twists and turns that will negatively impact blood pressure. Applying the EM Tighten Tissue Array Treatment to connective tissues inside and stabilizing the Blood Vessel Array can help to return proper shape to the blood vessels
    • Talk with the patient about any stressors that developed just before and possibly during the high blood pressure and treat areas of the body holding onto these stressors with the Five Element Excess Treatment as well as the Five Element Deficiency Treatment and any other treatments that you identify will be helpful to return balance to these affected tissues
    • Clear excess and yin deficient forms of heat with the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment
    • Treat imbalances in the New Nerve Array and also in the Independent Nerve Array with the Dynamics Treatment. Clear histio of atrial natriuretic peptide, as this adds tremendous heat to the system
    • Clear Testosterone Arrays and Hot Hormone Arrays
  • Low Blood Pressure
    • While not as common a problem as high blood pressure, and usually not even treated by Western doctors, low blood pressure can cause fatigue and light headedness
    • Increase Yang in the body, the Blood Array, and the Blood Vessel Array by applying the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment to these. In the Heart Array, Small Intestines Array, Triple Warmer Array, and Pericardium Array, apply the Fire Qi Deficiency Treatment and the Tonify Excess Fire Qi Deficiency Treatment to reinforce Fire Qi and therefore Yang throughout the body — and also apply this to the Blood Array and Blood Vessel Array as well
    • Treat any imbalances in the Sphincter Array of the Veins with the Dynamics Treatment
    • Build blood by applying the EM Bone Marrow Circulation Treatment and the EM Bone and Marrow Treatment to raise blood volume in the blood vessels
    • Increase Earth Qi in Stomach Any Vertical Angle — ST(Any) — inside the Triple Warmer Array and Pericardium Array with the Earth Qi Deficiency Treatment in order to increase strength in the blood vessel smooth muscles
  • AVM
    • AVM is a condition in which arteries and veins shunt together immediately without capillaries between them as is meant to be the case. Western surgical intervention is likely to be necessary to help with this condition
    • Use the AVM Treatment. It is unclear how successful this treatment will be
  • Mitral Valve Prolapse
    • Mitral valve prolapse is a common prolapse of valves in the cardiac heart
    • Apply the EM Tighten Tissue Treatment to the valves of the cardiac heart as well as the Liver Array and Gallbladder Array of the cardiac heart
    • Identify if any soft tissue adhesions are keeping the valves from shutting. If so, you must attack Anaerobic All Pathogen Type Arrays and especially pathogens with associate with Clostridium. Clear gluten histio. Apply the Comprehensive Soft Tissue Adhesions Array Treatment. Treat EM Scars
  • Gout / Pseudogout
    • Gout is a painful condition caused by the buildup of uric acid crystals inside joints. Pseudogout is a condition that looks like gout but is actually caused by buildup of calcium pyrophosphate crystals instead of uric acid. Sometimes people are wrongly diagnosed with gout when in fact they have pseudogout
    • Vaporize histio of uric acid and calcium pyrophosphate
    • Clear EM Inflammation and swelling with the EM Inflammation Treatment and the Swelling Treatment
    • Attack any Human Parasite Arrays and any All Pathogen Types producing uric acid or calcium pyrophosphate as pathogen toxins using the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment
    • Apply the Pathological Crystals Treatment
  • Enlarged Heart via Cardiomyopathy or Cardiomegaly
    • Apply the Swelling Protocol
    • Apply the Edema Protocol
    • Apply the EM Tissue Treatment to the cardiac heart
    • Treat any imbalances in the cardiac heart with the Dynamics Treatment
    • Apply the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment to the cardiac heart
    • Treat any All Pathogen Types and any Human Parasite Arrays in the cardiac heart and clear their toxins
    • Clear forms of histio that can increase swelling such as estrogen, progesterone, and histamine
  • Tachycardia
    • Rapid heart rate can be caused by many possible factors such as Western medication side effects, diabetes insulin resistance, Yang excess or Yin deficiency, hot hormones, or imbalances in the nervous system, to name a few potential causes
    • If Western medicines are the cause the medicines are no longer being taken, apply the Clear Histio or the Vaporize Treatments to clear “Western Medicine Histio”
    • Clear Stress Hormone Array and Cortisol Arrays
    • Apply the Anxiety Array Treatment and the Clear Fear Treatment
    • Treat any imbalances in the New Nerve Array and in the Independent Nerve Array affecting the cardiac heart with the Dynamics Treatment
    • Clear acetylcholine histio. This is likely the cause of the Patient is feeling palpitations. If you clear acetylcholine histio, also clear Thyroid Hormone Array, and attack any All Pathogen Types producing Thyroid Hormone Array as a pathogen toxin with the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment
    • Apply the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment to the cardiac heart
    • If applicable, treat Gu and Chong and All Pathogen Types in the cardiac heart or the cranial nerves or the vagus nerve
  • Bradycardia
    • Slow heart beat can be caused by Western medication side effects, heart weakness, Yang deficiency or Yin excess, to name a few possible issues
    • If Western medicines are the cause the medicines are no longer being taken, apply the Clear Histio or the Vaporize Treatments to clear “Western Medicine Histio”
    • Apply the EM Balance Yin and Yang Treatment to the cardiac heart
    • Treat any imbalances in the New Nerve Array and in the Independent Nerve Array affecting the cardiac heart with the Dynamics Treatment
  • Pericarditis
    • Inflammation of the pericardium around the heart is likely caused by pathogenic invasion
    • Apply the EM Inflammation Treatment to the pericardium organ
    • Apply the swelling treatment to the pericardium organ
    • If any EM Shingles are found at the pericardium organ then treat with the EM Shingles Treatment, attack all species of Herpes virus in the Patient with the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment, treat EM Inflammation in the New Nerve Array, apply the Infected Cell Reduction to every cell in the patient containing the RNA or DNA of any species of Herpes virus, clear histio of histamine, and clear swelling in the New Nerve Array
    • Attack any All Pathogen Types and any Human Parasite Arrays in the pericardium organ with the EM Full Life Cycle Stages Treatment and clear their toxins with the EM Pathogen Toxin Treatment
    • Treat with the EM Wounds Treatment and the Fissures Treatment where applicable in the pericardium organ