EM3: All Lines Of Force And Energy Boxes At The Toes And Ends Of Fingers

  • Nail Fungus
    • Nail fungus is difficult to treat because this is where the fungus most often penetrates the body to move under the cuticle and get into the closest vein. As a result, this is likely the oldest fungal infection and will clear up best when all of the other fungus in the body recedes. The problem is worsened by the fact that there is almost constant new exposure to fungal spores in this location
    • Attack all species of fungus in the nails, the nail beds, the cuticles, and the last digit of the finger and toes that are affected. If possible use EM Intensity 7 (which requires a 20 foot separation from all other people and pets for the patient)
    • Treat all species of fungus and molds in the entire body and also specifically the veins and bones closest to the affected fingers
  • Thin Or Brittle Nails and Other Nail Issues
    • The nails relate to Liver Blood according to Chinese medicine. Therefore, apply the EM Circulation Treatment to the Liver Array and Gallbladder Array to improve nail health
    • Brittle nails may indicate a dietary deficiency which you can assess using Multiple Choice diagnosis
    • Here is an interesting resource for better visual diagnosis of nail problems. Treat each issue appropriately
  • Discolored Nails
    • See the section above
  • Nail Biting
    • Treat Anxiety Arrays and fear
    • Apply the Bone Marrow Heal From Trauma Treatment
    • Apply the Nail Biting Parts Of Self Treatment or other helpful hypnosis treatments
  • Fingers And Toes Falling Asleep
  • Cold Fingers/Toes
  • Gout
    • Clear histio of uric acid
    • Apply the Pseudo-gout Treatment if you are not 100% certain it is gout
  • Bunions
    • Bunions can sometimes be easy and sometimes difficult to treat
    • Treat All Pathogen Types and all Human Parasite Arrays in the feet and toes
    • Specifically treat species of Hepatitis in the body
    • Clear dampness and/or apply the Climatic Factor Four Levels Deep Treatment
    • Treat broken bones, bone spurs, bone chips and cartilage chips. If cartilage chips are found, attack MRSA and clear its pathogen toxins. If bone chips are found, attack all species of fungus in the Bone Array, Cartilage Array, joints, Full Body Liver Organ and synovial fluids and apply the Edema Protocol. If bone spurs are present, attack Stachybotrys and clear its toxins
    • Apply the EM Tighten Tissue Treatment to the ligaments of the toe joints
    • Specifically look for Propionibacterium Acnes and for Cooking Yeast Arrays. If you find P. Acne, clear edema, swelling, and Cortisol Arrays. If you find Cooking Yeast Arrays vaporize gas and apply the Wrong Shapes in the Bone Array
    • Treat inflammation, swelling, edema, pain, and nerve pain with the appropriate protocol